Friday 23 March 2012

Yoga, straw-bales, pain and growth...

I have come to realise recently (although it has crept up on me gradually) that I have been aware of health and its importance for a number of years, but have never thoroughly attempted to be healthy in both body and soul. 

We eat very well and after trying several diets and food omissions I think we have finally settled on a diet that keeps us feeling healthy, nourished and vibrant. We don’t put synthetic chemicals into or onto our bodies or around our home.

But I still don’t exercise sufficiently and I still have woefully inadequate methods to dealing with stress, and- let’s face it- loving myself.

So, I have taken up yoga and meditation. I think both tie in well together and give me the necessary balance of mental and physical stimulation my body has been screaming for. I’ve been attempting to do yoga every day and, on the most part, I have succeeded, with a few days off due to illness. I even found out the joy of practicing yoga outside, with soft grass beneath me and the blue sky above, when we camped at Portland for the weekend.

I can’t sing the praises of yoga enough to anyone. It is helping me to become fitter and more aware of my body and it does wonders for your soul too. I’ve borrowed a DVD from the library and have classes with an instructor once a week too.

Nabeela and Ryan are even enjoying it! Our little girl has learnt several ‘asanas’ (yoga positions) and she enjoys showing anyone them- in the middle of the library, on the pavement, the beach, the park- anywhere! So hopefully she will always have yoga to use and enjoy and it may even help her to stay as flexible as she is now- hey, she may still be able to bend over and kiss her knees when she’s Ryan’s age or older!

Unfortunately last week I had my worst migraine attack ever. I was in agony for a day and a half. However, I get the impression that it was my body’s way of purging. It didn’t seem to matter how little stress I exerted on myself- I spent the whole day doing nothing but relaxing- it still didn’t abate until it was ready to. Maybe the stress of a new life in a new country, making new friends, embarking on a new career path, and the rest built up and needed out! Since then I have still had headaches, like I usually do, BUT I am managing to get rid of them myself, instead of waiting for it to disappear on its own. The yoga and meditation must be a helping hand in this and my new found awareness of listening to what my body is telling me- so stopping when it says to stop, exercising when I have excess energy or no energy(!) and just being aware of what I am doing. It feels good.

Nabeela is having a shift at the moment. A BIG one! Her behaviour has been somewhat erratic, contrary and extremely stubborn! Well more so than usual. Today she seems much happier and calmer so maybe we have finally weathered the storm. She has had a great need to have me and Ryan be with her, one on one, with no other distractions. So we have had a few days living in the library and reading a mountain of books together. I trusted that she would tell us what she needed and she has. We are lucky that she can communicate with us with words, to tell us exactly what she needs.

Last week she had a ‘daddy and daughter’ evening while I went to meditation with a friend. When I got back (quite late) she was fast asleep snuggled next to Ryan. Second time she has ever got to sleep without a breastfeed. From her behaviour recently though, we feel she isn’t ready for that on a regular basis.

Onto Ryan- He is enjoying his new career-path and is like a sponge, absorbing so many new skills and facts each day he is at work. For his upcoming work experience placement, he has found a straw-bale house builder. It is back up north near to where we were before in Adelaide. We both have a really good feeling about it. My gut is telling me that this is going to open doors, and possibly change the course of our lives. I will keep you posted.

I feel like our little life together is evolving once again and it feels right and good and joyful.

Peace and joy to you all.

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