Monday 28 January 2013

New Life

Congratulations old friends... and new! This piece was written to honour a new life created and born earthside recently. I love you.

New Life
What an honour,
To be part of a birth,
Happening at the other side of the world.

I was right there,
In my dreams.

I witnessed a woman experiencing the primal rite,
I saw the power of nature,
Of love,
On her face,
In her movements.
Saw the letting go of all the negativity,
Told to so many women.
Saw the joy in her heart.

I wished I could be there,
To guide her through,
Hold her hand,
Do something physical.
But I did something else instead.

I spoke to her soul,
Light to light.
A connection spanning half the physical world,
Like a knot of rope.
So strong.

Now I feel this connection,
This binding,
This love,
Of a new Spirit.

A child conceived in love,
Born in love,
Raised in love.

I see you little one.


Tuesday 22 January 2013

I'm still here!

It’s about time I did something about this blog. It started out as a diary about my experiences and thoughts moving to another country and was mainly for my family and friends back home. But now things have moved on and changed, as they do, and I don’t feel like this is appropriate any more.

I want to open it up to others. I want it to be about my thoughts and feelings. Things I’m learning about life in general; spirituality, love, people, children, emotions, living. I want to voice the feelings I have spent most of my life ignoring or suppressing. I want to provide positive words in a world full of negativity. I want to reach out and touch my fellow humans, because at the end of the day, we are all connected; from the same spark. We all want the same thing: happiness.
So I’m going to go with a change of direction. I’m going to write down spur of the moment things. Things I’ve written because I was compelled to from something deep inside me. Stuff I’ve not thought about, just written, blam, onto the page. Like I am doing now. Maybe it will have a ring of poetry to it. Maybe it won’t. Maybe it will sound incomprehensible to most people, but if I touch one person with my words that will be enough.
Connect with me, comment, tell me what you feel. Feelings are more important than what you think. So comment with your feelings, images that spring to mind when you read my stuff. Forget the melodrama, the over analysing, mind that dwells on the past, never lives in the now and yearns for a future that never comes.
Be with me while you’re reading. Somewhere, I read someone who likened writing to telepathy and time travel. Think about it. Isn’t it? I wrote this sometime in the past for you, who is reading it now and yet we share this deep connection. You are reading my thoughts, my inner feelings and ideas!
Peace and love to all,