Saturday 17 December 2011

The things people dump

With a cocoon of heavy clouds wrapped around us all day, the sky threatened stormy weather. When it did finally burst, thunder growled overhead, lightening lit the gloomy sky and stepping outside was akin to having a bucket thrown over you. So, where is this supposed uncomfortably hot weather?

Each time the thunder roared Nabeela looked at me with disconcerted eyes and asked, “Whas that?” in her cute accent. Eventually she was answering herself with the words, “A stooorm!”

Amidst the rain, pelting down on Brucey van and obscuring our vision, I spotted an upturned pram in the middle of a path. Now, we have recently decided that it may be a good idea to get a pram. So Ryan grabbed it and we spent the next few minutes in the rain trying to figure out why someone had dumped it. It is in good condition, apart from the minor problem of being unable to fold it up.

Nabeela is too heavy for me to carry her for long in my arms, so unless she stays in the sling (which she won’t unless she’s napping or feeding) or decides to walk rather than wander off in a different direction, I often find I don’t get very far when I’m doing ‘town stuff’.  So for these occasions we thought about heading to a charity shop for a pram. But it turns out we didn’t need to- as we found one free!

Somehow it feels wrong to admit this. These years of having her close to my heart and able to share in the wonders of life, rather than being relegated to the side-lines (in a pram), leaves me feeling somewhat guilty for now having one! Nabeela doesn’t share these sentiments however- I think because we have never forced her into anything like a pram or high chair- she loves clambering in and considers it a fun toy to play on. So I’m going to have to get used to it!

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