Sunday 18 December 2011

Wee Wee Mammy!

I think it’s time for a brief Nabeela update- she has advanced so much in her life in these last few weeks it’s taken my breath away!

After her two-year-milestone growth spurt- which lasted several days and involved feeding lots off me, eating little solid food, extra naps and a smidge of frustration (from her)- we now have a bigger baby, both in body and mind. It looks like it’s time for us to rummage through the charity shops for some new clothes for her. I’m disappointed about this actually; I was hoping to have made her several staples that would see her through for longer by now, but alas this hasn’t been possible.

Here’s a rundown of her most recent sayings.

‘Mammy and daddy go on an aeroplane to Bali’ (Nabeela seems to be implied in this)! I’m fascinated by the impression Bali obviously had on her. Nearly every day we hear about us going to Bali and she often talks about the hotel room, the swimming pool and, of course, the plane.

Whenever she sees a plane she now points to it and exclaims ‘like Pee-pee’- who is the grandfather she has never met. I love that, although she has never met him, she is at least aware of him and what he does (he’s a pilot). When she does meet him (hopefully soon) she will be able to put a person to the name and enjoy the encounter more because of it.

Proving her inherent independence, Bee can often be heard telling us that she wants to ‘do it see-self’ (by herself in other words). When this is for something she isn’t able to do yet, I tell her I’ll help and she seems to accept this with no qualms. Her independence has also stretched to saying bye to us and walking off on her own, whilst insisting she wants to go by herself! Hence the method of saying I’ll help.

As regards to our Elimination Communication (EC) with Nabeela, we think we may be on the cusp of graduation. We realised the other day that we had not had a ‘miss’ for several days. Instead- now she is able to- she tells us every time she needs a ‘wee-wee’ or ‘poopey’. Since then we have had a few misses, but she is very aware of when she has gone in her pants or the floor and will proudly point it out to us.

For anyone unaware of what EC is here’s an explanation. By communicating with your baby it is possible (as many traditional societies know) to know when your child needs to go to the toilet. Very young babies will display various signs that they need to eliminate and it is up to the parent to figure out these signs and be aware of them. Then you can take them to the potty or toilet or grass. As they get older and become vocal, babies can begin to tell you when they need to go. By the time they are Nabeela’s age many will be able to toddle off alone to the potty or a bit of grass or tell you so you can take them.

It always makes me smile to see her face when she realises she needs a wee when we are at home. She’ll mention ‘wee-wee’ out loud, wander off to the grass, lift her clothes with an expression of concentration and watch as she does one. This is usually followed by telling me she did a ‘wee-wee on the gwass.’

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