Wednesday 23 November 2011

A Belated Introducton

Welcome to the blog. I hope my email ‘fans’ move over to this way of connecting with us from now on. I hope it will be easier all around.
Just a little background embellishment for people who haven’t read my past entries yet. Ever since moving back to the UK with Ozzie husband Ryan in tow we had talked of leaving again in the future- and hopefully before we got sick of it!
During our life in the UK we rented a couple houses (so as not to tie us there too much), had our daughter Nabeela/Bee/Beela (or various other connotations) and made some life-long friends. And I won’t forget the special time we had seeing our niece growing up from a tiny dot into a gorgeous little girl. Ryan also managed to change career direction completely and hopes to use these skills to get a flexible job back in Oz.
So after 4 years in the UK we were thoroughly sick of the weather and our prospects over there. We made a decision to knock down our previous barriers and just get moving.
Actually it may have been that I made the decision, whilst Ryan stalled for time. I distinctly remember saying to him, ‘I don’t care what barriers you throw at this, I am putting my foot down and we are going!’
Whatever I said, it gained the desired outcome and we quickly began arranging the complex and money-draining process of visas, citizenship and dual passports for Bee.
Along with this we had to rid our lives of most material possessions, down to a skeleton of essentials. But most heart-wrenching of all were the goodbyes to our beloved friends and family, including the family dog, Sam, who had been a constant thread in all our lives since we first met.
Armed with only the bags we could carry (or couldn’t carry as we later found) we left, teary eyed and somewhat melancholy, despite the huge adventure that awaited us.
Truthfully it all seemed like a huge anti-climax at first. I missed my family and friends so much that there were moments when, if someone had given me a return ticket back, I would have snatched it out of their hands and been off on the next flight.
After a good month and with familiarity and routine setting in, I only have these days occasionally and the raw pain is somewhat numbed by knowing that we are already having a better life here and that’s after less than two months.
Already we have made friends of a like-minded persuasion with kids; enjoyed the beach life fully, immersing ourselves in the pleasures of the sea; begun living the simple life we always strive for; and done things that I always wished to do, but didn’t (like getting dreads and enjoying a festival).
So our path to simplicity, freedom of our own making and natural living and family values is being trodden and we are all glowing within from it!

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